
Municipality: Toivakka
Protection year: 2017
Area: 4 ha

The village of Peiponsalmi, located in the Toivakka region of Central Finland, is a home for a small conservation area called Toimela. It has an area of 4 hectares. The place was left to us in 2016 according to a will by a man named Mikko Hakanen, who considered the place a dear hideaway. Toimela contains an old yard land, which will be allowed to remain in its place to respect the man’s will. The wild meadows and fields constitute a home for a variety of butterflies and insects. There is an old mixed forest dominated by pines growing immediatly outside the northern edge of the yard land.

The area was preserved as part of the “My Gift to the Hundred-Year-Old” campaign arranged to celebrate the 100 years of Finland’s independence.

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Pikkutila umpeutuvine peltoineen metsän sylissä. Villiintyneillä niityillä viihty monimuotoinen hyönteisfauna ja pellonreunan metsä humisee korkeana.