
Municipality: Toivakka
Protection year: 2017
Area: 16 ha

HomeConservation areasCentral FinlandKääntölä

In 2016, we received a will that left an area called Kääntölä to us, a place located in the Toivakka region of Central Finland. It has an area of 16 hectares, part of it protected while Mikko Hakanen, the man behind the will, was still alive. The area has long been a home for a great predatory bird nesting there. The area is dominated by an old and impressive spruce forest. There are younger trees growing among the tall aspens and goat willows with decayed wood appearing in considerable amounts. The place constitutes a territory of the flying squirrel.

The area was preserved as part of the “My Gift to the Hundred-Year-Old” campaign arranged to celebrate the 100 years of Finland’s independence.

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HomeConservation areasCentral FinlandKääntölä

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Kääntölän metsää hallitsee vanha, järeä kuusikko. Kookkaiden haapojen ja raitojen joukossa on nuorempaa kasvustoa ja lahopuun määrä on huomattava.